Welcome to Healing the Masses. An Idea and blog that originated around my interests in mmo’s and a love of healing and while I continue to love the genre my playstyle has evolved far more than just a single type although my primary interest still does reside in supporting my friends and allies.
Now the moniker “Healing the Masses” has more come to represent my style of writing, that of a preacher spreading the the interests and ideals they hold so dear. And that for me is the social, dynamic and engaging aspects of these mmo worlds. I write about the genre I love, and let those feelings free whatever they be regarding mechanics, ideas and general play.
The Writers

A rare selfie of the Interview Eri
I have been gaming for around 15 years now beginning from my love of harvesting Tiberium in Command and conquer or ore in Red alert. I played multi-player quite a bit back then with friends, having lan gatherings and the like. My first experience was Wolfenstein 3d on those big ass floppy disks and then playing Doom and Duke Nukem after Primary school some days at my parents work.
After that it was mostly console games for awhile with mega drive, snes, and ps1. To this day i still want a rehashed Road Rash.. how awesome would it be with some sort of online multi-player. It has been pc all the way now for a few years and just last year I constructed my very first system.
I pretty much play anything and everything and my tastes are quite eclectic…Strategy, Shooters, Adventure, puzzle and of course MMO’s. MMO’s have been the big hit in my playing time for a while now and i really like the style of play. I mostly go for heal or support characters because generally in the group environment they tend to require a little more finesse. I thoroughly enjoy the pvp environment as well be it instanced or open world, so far Tera while leveling has to be my favourite. And sorry to all those pvp veterans i have never tried AOC, DAOC, Shadowbane and the like…. i promise to try eve at some point and will give a good go.
If anyone has any gaming suggestions please give a comment.. or cool anime
Also if you need to contact me, I have an Alt mail account HealingtheMasses at Hotmail dot com or you could contact me via twitter