Well I’m a couple days into the Black Desert Early access thing and still enjoying it a lot, enough that I kinda wish I’d got the 100 pack so I could have played on my day off, instead of after work this week. I just want to play more and more, and have that weird compulsion to catch up.
I once again made a tamer because it was the most fun class I played in CBT2. It just feels so fluid in combat as you move around, dancing around the enemies while knocking them over and unleashing torrents of dark energy. Considering the stuff that comes out upon hitting stuff it kinda feels more apt to have that dark spirit thing telling me what to do. I also picked it because one of the next classes to release, the ninja, will be sharing the same weapon so I can pass my user short sword over for a nice early boost.
It might be a little weird too, and probably related to my recent anime binges but I kinda like making the tamer look more like a cute boy.. In a dress haha. It’s a huge trope I see a lot, weird but cute in many scenes with I think Nagisa from Assassination classroom being my recent favourite and I have no idea why it’s so funny and adorable but it just is.
Once in I of course started flying through the game and levels. Not really sticking to the prescribed speed levelling path, taking the time to interact with all the npc’s I see and connect certain nodes, but I still did focus mostly on mob grinding. Oh and one tip… Go grind the frog peoples at the early 20s instead of the militia. The militia are definitely easier and hit a lot lighter but it seems to be incredibly contested at the moment with others grinding exp as well and those damn dirty witches and rangers stealing all the mobs with their ranged pew pew.
The Tamer is a great grinding class though, that I’m told gets even better later on when you can ride the big black beast. Quite a few big hitting aoe skills to use that use a bit of mana, but you have easy ways to recover that in combat to keep up the killing. It just feels so tactile as well. The combat feels like it has weight, and like each hit has a certain amount of impact. It isn’t that the mobs recoil, or the music, or even the souonds (they are reasonably annoying), or the screenshake. It’s just each element has been balanced against each other and with the key command style action combat you feel more like your actions, and commands matter.
It is of course a pretty game and while I might not be stopping to stomp the roses during my march to cap right now, it is still something I admire and something I will definitely be exploring a lot later on.